Monday, April 28, 2008

Poetry & Beats

Lolita Bar, NYC
April 27th, 2007

Three Threads Showroom, SF
March 17th, 2007

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Greening the Workplace

Been working on how to get my office a bit more "green". Kind of hard when it's so easy to grab a paper cup rather than a reusable cup that you have to wash.

We can't enforce anyone to do anything, but I got a team together and we're planning to do our best to educate and suggest better ways to reduce waste. Saw a bit of the Oprah show on Earth Day and I believe her office was spending over $800 on paper cups alone. Dang. She decided to make it mandatory that all full time employees use their own reusable cups and have paper cups available only for non-full time employees. I think it's a good idea. So next week, my co-workers and eye are going to focus on our first mission... reduce paper cup usage.

Suggestions and ideas are welcome. We're taking small steps, so we don't overwhelm anyone with too many changes. Maybe our next topic could be recycling... since there are some people in the office that are still putting glass and plastic bottles in the trash, even though we have bins for that. So bad... bad I tell ya.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Has anyone seen the online animated series, Afterworld??

It's a great series, great script. Check it out! Warning... you might get hooked!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wanna read something inspiring?

Has anyone read Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth or is currently reading it like I am? Personally I'm falling behind with the supplemental Oprah webcasts, but I have been downloading them and listening to them on my bus ride to work.

This book shows you how to be more aware of that voice in your head and how when you become aware of it, you realize it's not really your true self. Whoa eh? Yeah, it's your 'ego' -- "no more than a conditioned mind-pattern, a thought." This voice we've all grown to live with seems to create all the drama in our lives. So the more you're aware of it, the more you realize it's just a thought pattern we're conditioned with. This is just a tidbit of what I've learned so far.

On a personal note, my dad recently went through quadruple bypass heart surgery and I must admit, the first four chapters I've read so far have really helped me get through it all. It's helped me stay calmer, positive and present with the people around me. I'm just glad I had already read a couple of chapters before this major event.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Overseas Traveling

One of the most inspirational trips I've ever had was traveling to Peru My guy and I signed up for our first ever trekking/camping/tour trip with Gap Adventures ( Having zero experience with trekking adventures, we hiked to high altitudes, through rural villages, and met great friendly people. And of course there's Machu Picchu... and amazing place. It was an experience I will never forget.

What is (are) the most inspirational experience you've had traveling overseas? Please elaborate and share. Thanks!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Why the name?

Came up with the name long ago. Friends teased and called me goth, just because I liked listening to "goth" music. I would go to the clubs all by myself and you know what? It felt like the safest place to be, especially if you just want to dance and not get bothered. I use to dress in black all the time, which added to the label. However, I never really got into the extravagant gothic costuming, but found it interesting.

Yes, I feel that the color black is a comfort yet powerful color for me, but honestly, I've never really got into the whole depressing emo-ness of it all. So, hence the name, "Giddygoth" =P