Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wanna read something inspiring?

Has anyone read Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth or is currently reading it like I am? Personally I'm falling behind with the supplemental Oprah webcasts, but I have been downloading them and listening to them on my bus ride to work.

This book shows you how to be more aware of that voice in your head and how when you become aware of it, you realize it's not really your true self. Whoa eh? Yeah, it's your 'ego' -- "no more than a conditioned mind-pattern, a thought." This voice we've all grown to live with seems to create all the drama in our lives. So the more you're aware of it, the more you realize it's just a thought pattern we're conditioned with. This is just a tidbit of what I've learned so far.

On a personal note, my dad recently went through quadruple bypass heart surgery and I must admit, the first four chapters I've read so far have really helped me get through it all. It's helped me stay calmer, positive and present with the people around me. I'm just glad I had already read a couple of chapters before this major event.

1 comment:

Susan Barnes said...

I just finished the book (although I think I started on Chapter 6 because I listened to it and didn't download the first part first :p ... oh well.)

I loved it. The book is really powerful and puts you right back into the present. It gave me a lot of perspective and it is definitely a must read for anyone interested in self-improvement.