Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Overseas Traveling

One of the most inspirational trips I've ever had was traveling to Peru My guy and I signed up for our first ever trekking/camping/tour trip with Gap Adventures (www.gapadventures.com). Having zero experience with trekking adventures, we hiked to high altitudes, through rural villages, and met great friendly people. And of course there's Machu Picchu... and amazing place. It was an experience I will never forget.

What is (are) the most inspirational experience you've had traveling overseas? Please elaborate and share. Thanks!


SFSUTim said...

I'd love to get to Peru. I'm only recently recovering from a major infection of the travel bug. It lasted years, and compelled me to about 35 countries! Of course, it also left me broke. :) I felt for so long that I couldn't think of a better splurge. Funny how lately I'm more reluctant.
I'm thinking Bhutan, though...

Susan Barnes said...

Probably the biggest risk I ever took was coming to the United States from South Africa at age 18. Since then I have never looked back. I love to travel. Experiencing new cultures opens your eyes and your mind in a way that is almost unimaginable until it happens to you.

One of my favorite experiences on a trip I took in December 2007 on my first Safari was seeing an elephant in the wild literally feet away from me. Elephants are amazing. Nature is incredible and I feel so fortunate to be able to experience these wonders.

Forget about waiting until you retire to travel. Do it now. Get out and grab the adventure!